SCOTLAND       2nd - 5th SEPTEMBER


Get in touch to book your place! Or simply keep up to date with our Wild News of upcoming events, retreats and ceremonies!









A 4 day, journey into Ceremony, Wild Ritual, Prayer and Earth Connection... get ready to GET WILD!

We will gather together on the land and reconnect to our wild roots. This is time for soul expansion, to give permission to yourself to reconnect to your wild nature. Find your wild community and connect in juicy creation, play, dance and earth ritual.

THE call...

We call you to come gather on our sacred land in Scotland to retreat from the hustle of city life and deeply reconnect to nature. Come journey over 4 days and 3 nights with us, as we let go of societal pressures, and surrender to the true rhythm of the earth.


Over the 4 days we will dive deep into ritual and ceremony, celebrating each of the 4 elements. We will full embody the sacred way of living life.

Day 1- AIR : Opening Ceremony, connection rituals, landing...

Day 2 - FIRE : Creation ceremony with clay body painting and cacao, fire ritual, sacred drum and earth dance...

Day 3 - WATER : Emotion expression rituals, water cleanse ceremony, sacred singing...

Day 4 - EARTH : Grounding rituals, sharing circle, closing ceremony...

THE experience...

Daily embodiment rituals and workshops will offer a space to release and reset to a more awakened state, and bring the life back into your body. You will receive freshly cooked, locally sourced vegan meals every day. You will sleep with your Tribe in beautiful bell tents, with comfortable bedding, nestled in the Scottish countryside.

Who is it for?..

This retreat is tailored just for you if:

  • You are craving a break from the city hustle and need to reset your system.
  • You want to delve deep into your spiritual development and personal growth.
  • You're seeking a place to let off some steam in a fun, healthy wholesome way with other like minded souls.
  • You're tired of the masks you wear in every day life, and you want to express more of your true self.
  • You want some deep and engaged nature connection.
  • You are calling for a fun, creative and playful wellness retreat
  • You want to explore the ecstatic potential of sober living.
  • You are looking to learn how to celebrate life through ceremony and ritual.

  • Open to the magic of life

    Learn about gratitude rituals which encourage your heart to open

  • Journey with Sacred Cacao

    Dance with the heart opening medicine of cacao and live music in the Creation ceremony

  • Breathe the fresh air and wander with the trees

    Spend nourishing time in nature to relax and deeply relax your nervous system

  • Inspire your inner child and find true joy!

    Workshops and activities to ignite creativity, play and conscious connection

  • Give yourself the gift of time

    Take the space to stop. slow down and remember the infinite possibilities in life.

  • Paint your body with the earths colours

    Indulge in a luxurious clay body painting ritual, and adorn your body with natures colours

  • Let nature hold you

    Allow yourself the pleasure of nature bathing and forest walks

  • Connect to your tribe

    Find, meet, connect and play with other like minded souls 

  • Release and let go of that which doesn't serve you

    Let go of old, stagnant emotions in the water clease ritual

  • Dance, dance dance!

    Dance to live music and let your body move and shake to the drums

  • Feel the earth under your feet

    Let your body truly drop in and connect to the earths rhythms and melodies and learn to listen to her messages


The Journey to Surrender..

This will be a privately held, 4 day ceremonial space for you and 9 other people to dive into the depths of your most authentic being, and let go of the masks and layers that are holding you back from fully embracing life. You will be guided through an intimate journey to uncover your natural essence and unleash your Wild Soul to truly step into living life the way you want to live it. All of you is welcome in this space. Here are some of the event highlights to look forward to:

 * CONSCIOUS RELATING heart opening, playful exercises to drop in, connect together and truly get to know your Tribe

* CACACO CEREMONY we will journey into the heart and intention with the sacred medicine of cacao

 *  BODY PAINTING RITUAL with NATURAL CLAY  experience true body celebration with the healing paint of the earth

*  WILD DRUM & DANCE  let the drums take you into a wild trance and shake, howl and stomp into your truth

 *  WILD VOICE ACTIVATION WORKSHOP  learn how to express your true authentic voice in circle in all its wild glory

*  EMOTION  EXPRESSION  RITUAL release old stagnant energy that is stuck inside and holding you back

* FORGIVENESS CEREMONY make peace with and let go of all that is no longer serving you

* RIVER SWIMMING  regenerate, replenish and refresh yourself in the clean sweet waters running by


To get the FULL INFO PACK  you can download our WILD TRIBE Wild Summer Retreat pack below:

Download Wild Summer Retreat Info PDF


All tickets include, 4 days access to all ceremonies & activities, freshly cooked vegan meals every day, shared accommodation in our beautiful bell tents and access to the site and facilities. If you have any special needs or accommodation requirements, get in touch as we have some limited availability bedrooms on site which we can offer under special circumstances. We have some space for live-in vehicles, so please get in touch if this is your preferred accommodation option.

*Please note that bookings made via Eventbrite incur extra booking fees through the platform, and if you prefer to book and pay directly with us we can arrange an alternative option via Paypal or bank transfer.

**If finances are holding you back, feel free to get in touch to enquire about our payment plan or work exchange options.


Fiona Montgomery

Embodiment Coach, Reiki Healer and founder of Body Wisdom Coaching

Fiona is the founder of Body Wisdom Coaching, a platform that supports people to return to health through establishing a deeper wisdom connection with their body. Her therapies include Reiki, Swedish Massage, Mickel Therapy, Conscious Breathwork and Trauma Skills Training.

Fiona's integrity shines through in her personality and work. She experienced a miraculous turn around in health, which felt like a rebirth; she has lived the journey back to health and is dedicated at helping others on the wellness path.



Vanisha Mistry

Voice Coach, Sound Healer and founder of Sing for Your Soul

Vanisha is an Earth Dancer, a devoted Wild Woman, Joy Activator and an Inspiring Vocal Activation coach. She is the founder of Sing for Your Soul - an organisation that supports people to open to their true voice through embodiment.

Over the last 5 years, she has facilitated cacao and sound ceremonies around the world, supporting numerous people to find their true connection to self.

Vanisha has studied Chakra Healing in Dharamasala, and Classical Indian singing in Varanasi, India. Growing up with a Hindu background, she now combines Shamanic and Bhuddist approaches to all her work, as she continues to walk the path of service to peace. Vanisha is always and advocate of true expression, and strongly holds anyone who is exploring their path to consciousness. 



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