Voice Healing Ceremonies



Come and let your Soul receive the call of the Earth Mother.

Times are potent, and many people are receiving the message to stop and listen... Join us for exactly this. A deep shamanic journey into to the Tribal Call of the Divine Feminine. What is the Earth calling of you?  Are you ready to hear her?

You will be held by 3 loving and powerful Wild Women: Vanisha Mistry, Sophie Woodage, Lisa-Marie Cresswell - we will be weaving the tribal call with shamanic drum, hang drum, rattles and Shruti for this journey to take you inwards to your Soul call.



Join us for a journey into the healing power of your own voice through movement, play and embodied expression.

During this session, you will move through the different archetypes of your voice and connect to the deep authentic expression of your body beyond words. Everyone has a deep wisdom held in their body, and during this session we will activate exactly that. Once we step away from the mind and into the body, the voice naturally begins to flow. The world is ready to hear our voices, are you ready to share yours?

We will work on confidence and creativity through play.

Together, we will explore voice warm-ups, games and intuitive circle singing - we will be guided by the Shamanic Drum and Shruti into a voice healing journey, where every voice matters, and every voice takes part - this is all about Voice Empowerment, so that each individual can see their unique expression gift.

Whether you are new to Voicework, or experienced in this field, this session will be of benefit. Every body is an instrument of the Divine, and when we come together with intention and celebration, the magic truly had space to unfold.


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