Vocal Alchemy

Vocal Alchemy workshops

An immersive and interactive Community Singing and Vocal Expression experience where we come together to explore sound, movement, play and circle singing to activate your true authentic self!

If you are looking to OPEN up your own authentic voice, If you LOVE to sing, but haven't found a space to really express your full self, And if you want to connect to more like-minded, playful people in a FUN and welcoming space, then this workshop is for you! 

In the Vocal Alchemy workshops, we learn how to feel into and activate our true voices by playing a range of improvisation games which work with voice, breath , and body movement.

Singing in front of others may seem daunting, but once we surrender, the magic begins - so here is a safe space to explore - EVERYONE IS WELCOME because singing is for everyone! And I believe if you can talk, you can sing, it all depends on activating our JOY! And more importantly, feeling safe and welcome to freely express - there is no right or wrong sound, everything is valid! 

Throughout these sessions, I will share tools with you to support your practise at home and I will teach how to use your voice to release stuck energy, through focus and setting intentions - We all have the power to heal through our voice, and this is true Alchemy - Transmute, Transform, Transpire 

So come along to try something new or deepen your existing skills and play with other sound explorers!


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